Censorship on YouTube – Part III: COVID-19 Global Implications and Aftermath


Sovereign Governments are So Last Century

Using the Virus for Global Control?

This is the third and final part of an article on the current COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic and its censorship on YouTube and mainstream media, and if you haven’t already read the first part: Censorship on YouTube – COVID-19: The Virus Exposed, then please do so before reading this. If it is Part II you are looking for you can find it here: Censorship on YouTube – COVID-19: Pandemic

Cui Bono – To whom does it benefit?

The global plandemic and removal of rights of freedom and self-determination, deaths due to suicide and missed vital treatments, crashed economies, civil unrest, unemployment and small business closures, and increasing demand for support, is a heavy cost for societies to bear. Yet the world governments have all decided that these prices are all worth paying – but as we now see, COVID-19 warrants none of this. The question left begging is thus: if not for our health and the destruction of the virus, what is this plandemic and lock-down for? In other words: Who (pun intended) does actually benefit?

Consequences Revealed

Peter Koenig, an economist and geopolitical analyst, has refered to the lock-down as a “farce and diabolical agenda“. So does this mean he is an anti-WHO conspiricist? Hardly. You see, he is a water resources and environmental specialist and has worked for over 30 years with the World Bank and the WHO (World Health Organisation) around the world in the fields of environment and water. And if there is an immediate effect of a lock-down it would be access to food, both physically and financially.

But before we look into the dangers and erosions of rights that follows after a lock-down, let us remember that while these measures are said to be temporary in order to stop the propagation of the virus, an important fact remains: They’ve actually become a reality. And this means that they can easily become a reality at any point and time in the future should those with power want it. First let us examine the WHO’s and governments’ reasons for such an all-embracing process.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

As Peter Koenig states

First comes the farce, an (almost) universal government lie around the globe about a deadly virus, WHO named COVID-19. The decision for a global lockdown – literally for the collapse of the world economy – was already taken at the WEF conference in Davos, 21 – 24 January 2020. On January 30, WHO declared COVID-19 a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). At that time, there were only 150 known COVID-19 cases outside of China. No reason whatsoever to declare a pandemic. On March 11, Dr Tedros, DG of WHO converted the PHEIC into a pandemic. This the gave green light for the start of implementing “The Plan”.

It is for this reason that the term: Plandemic has arisen. If we find, as I suggest we do, that the answer to cui bono (who benefits) suggests a strong case for certain individuals and groups to either create, or take advantage of a viral outbreak as a pretext, a pandemic then would halt and collapse the world economy and the underlying social fabric. This we have all already witnessed. But what we have not seen is the massive growth in financial fortunes of Bill Gates and others of his like, at the expense of the ordinary working man and woman now unemployed, and small businesses forced to close as big businesses remain open. And as Koenig states, all this was already foreseen and ‘solutions’ decided prior to the viral outbreak itself, at the WEF (World Economic Forum) attended by world leaders, world bankers, and individuals such as Bill Gates. Note that this body is unelected yet wields tremendous power.

But surely this was just a coincidence based on the wise experience and high intelligence of this group? Not so. There were a number of preparatory events, including Event 201 and the ID2020 conferences all pointing in the direction of a worldwide monumental historic viral global pandemic disaster. It started at least 10 years ago – probably considerably earlier – with the infamous 2010 Rockefeller Report which painted the first phase of a monstrous plan, called the “Lock Step” scenario. Among the last preparatory moves for the “pandemic” described therein was Event 201, held in NYC on 18 October 2019, 6 weeks before the COVID-19 outbreak.

This pre-outbreak event was sponsored by the Johns Hopkins Center for Public Health (established by the Rockefeller Foundation), the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) and the World Economic Forum (WEF), and the club of the rich and powerful that meets every January in Davos, Switzerland. Participating were a number of pharmaceuticals (vaccine interest groups), as well as the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)s of the US and of China.

One of the objectives of Event 201 was a computer simulation of a “hypothetical” future coronavirus pandemic. The simulated virus was called SARS-2-nCoV, or later 2019-nCoV. The simulation results were disastrous, killing 65 million people in 18 months and plunging the stock market by more than 30% — causing untold unemployment and bankruptcies. Precisely the scenario in which we are now living, except the virus is called SARS-2-CoVid-2019 (or COVID-19 for short) by the WHO. What a prescient coincidence… not. What is also curiously observed is that the fake news broadcasts in the Event 201 exercise are virtually identical to the current mainstream media broadcasts (which do not match what’s actually happening in the world). It is almost as if the mainstream media is reading from the script the actors at Event 201 were using.

The Lock Step and more recent Event 201 scenarii foresee a number of devastating events or components of The Plan followed by the implementation of the so called Agenda ID2020, a Bill Gates creation, fully integrated into the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). This UN programme is scheduled to be completed in 2030, hence it being known as Agenda 2030, which is the same target date for completion of the Agenda ID2020. Now all that would be needed for this goal to be achieved, is for a lethal novel coronavirus pandemic to actually happen as Event 201 predicted, and the programme for installing the “new normal” world of removing regulations from corporations, moving national sovereignties to a single central world government working with the corporations, creating a vast database and surveillance system of all peoples planet-wide, and digital tagging of said people incorporating digital money and transport rights can be implemented. Oh wait… 6 weeks after Event 201 a novel lethal coronavirus outbreak did happen in Wuhan, China – just as predicted. Lucky for the UN’s Agenda 203 and Bill Gates’s ID2020.

the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals aka Agenda 2030

Agenda 2030 requires a series of articles for itself and there are already many commentaries available to watch and read. For the purposes of this article, I will consider those requirements of Agenda 2030 that ‘coincidentally’ line up with what we are experiencing now due to the ‘unexpected’ yet-prior-discussed coronavirus pandemic. The parts of the ID2020 scenario and Agenda 2030 that will be discussed further are:

  • A massive vaccination program, probably through compulsory vaccination which we have lately seen initiated by Bill and Hillary Clinton, and duly promoted by the mainstream media (including the BBC). This is Bill Gates’s self-admitted dream and brainchild of vaccinating 7 billion people. Of course this has nothing to do with him owning the promised vaccine to be used… kerching!
  • An electronic ID for every person on the planet, in the form of a nano-chip tattoo, injected along with the mandatory vaccination. This nano-chip could be remotely uploaded with all personal data, and later with digitised money and, as the BBC is promoting, will be policed by tens of thousands of Contact Tracers, using STI clinics as the model, hired from the pool of newly unemployed people (already underway, following its initiation by the Clinton Foundation at the end of April 2020).
  • Digitised money – no more cash as coins and notes will be described as virus carriers and that only paying using your card, smartphone, or embedded chip will be the easiest and safest way. Even ‘street people’ will be given card machines to use instead for collecting cash.
  • Universal rolling out of 5G, already well underway, later to be followed by 6G. Knowing this is part of this overall agenda has seen many 5G towers in the UK burned down, though reported by mainstream media as “conspiracy theory” which is observably false.
  • Massive population reduction, as per one of the Agenda 2030 objectives, clearly a eugenics plan, which Bill Gates promises can be achieved in part through vaccination and other means:

If we are doing a real good job vaccinating, we may reduce the world population by 10% to 15%.

“Innovating to Zero!” speech to the TED2010 annual conference, Long Beach, California (18-Feb-10).

These goals inevitably lead to, and has been recognised and anticipated for decades by those with power and influence, a total control of every individual, and resource, on the planet. On its face, the ‘Good‘ is sold to the public as the Internet of Things (IoT) including self-driving cars, robotised kitchen equipment, and the much-trumpeted Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the production and delivery of everything (who needs the High Street? Lucky coincidence that shops have had to close because of the plandemic, eh?) What mainstream media doesn’t report is the ‘Bad‘ of how humans would be marginalised and controlled… effectively enslaved.

In order to connect all the obligatory apps, information, IoT, and AI to create this Utopian future nobody asked for but the plandemic kick-started, the country’s digital infrastructure needs to be upgraded, despite the untested high frequency electromagnet waves needed. And coincidentally as the UN Agenda 2030 and Bill Gates ID2020 requires, rolling out of 5G is a must – no matter what the health impact on humans, fauna and flora may be, and no matter how it may influence viral infections, like the current COVID-19.

Bill Gates Agenda ID2020

In order to carry out and monitor these various components of a larger game plan or picture, there is this little heard of Agenda ID2020 – a creation of the Gates Foundation, which aims to have every citizen of the world equipped with an electronic identity, so (s)he can be followed, and his/her words and actions, and people met, monitored everywhere. This is one of the Agenda ID2020 tasks, to be first tested – currently ongoing – in Bangladesh, and beginning to be rolled out through Contact Tracing.

The idea is, in due time (whenever the program is ready), to use the vaccination program, possibly forced, to inject along with the vaccine a nano-chip that can be injected along with the vaccination program. It could be done without the person’s knowledge and later remotely uploaded with personal data, from health records, to criminal records, to bank accounts. In fact, the Gates Foundation, together with GAVI has already developed a tattoo-like chip which would be used for both vaccination and electronic ID. Mainstream media is currently promoting the tattoo option as a means of freeing people from the laborious and oppressive lock-down.

Bill Gates and Vaccination

The Gates Foundation has for the last 20 years carried out intensive children vaccination programs in Africa. In 2014 and 2015 Kenya carried out a massive tetanus vaccination programme, sponsored by the WHO and UNICEF. The Government administered a vaccine of tetanus toxoid, impregnated with beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (BhCG) that has been shown to cause permanent infertility among girls and women, to about 500,000 girls and women between the ages 14 and 49. He has subsequently been successfully prosecuted for this, yet has managed to avoid answering for his crimes of genocide (as it was called). On the contrary, he is touted worldwide by mainstream media as the world’s COVID-19 Last and Best Hope.

The prior mentioned organisation called GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation) is a public-private partnership, with the public part being the WHO and UNICEF, and the private partners being a series of pharma giants (including Bill Gates’s own). GAVI is handing out free vaccines to poor countries, as was done in Kenya. Such a “vaccine” can be implanted with a sterilisation agent, any other health or DNA affecting molecule, or protein can be put into a vaccination cocktail (Thousands infertile after govt-sponsored vaccination and “Mass Sterilisation”: Kenyan Doctors Find Anti-fertility Agent in UN Tetanus Vaccine?)

5G and Artificial Intelligence

In the meantime, 5G and soon to come 6G, will be rolled out to drive the planned Artificial Intelligent (AI) programme which may push ahead the development of these colossal corporations, their production, distribution, and ultimately the peoples’ consumption around the world.

Telecom companies are already flooding the world with electromagnetic fields (EMF), which are claimed by many to be so poisonous that many people will be affected. The plan is to increase its intensity by tens of thousands of satellites to cover, by 2030, every inch of the planet. Whether one believes that 5G is a health-hazard or not, it should be noted that none of the health impacts of 5G have been officially studied: not in the US, not in Europe, and not in China. The impact could well be disastrous on human life, and on life on the planet in general, yet it is being implemented in a panic-driven rush without checking, in order to forward the Agenda 2030 et al plans.

Numerous scientists have written about the need for testing, warned governments of the potentially disastrous effects on life, and have launched petitions to stop the launch of 5G or to put a moratorium on 5G until serious studies have been carried out (EU 5G Appeal – Scientists warn of potential serious health effects of 5G). The organisation in charge of health and prevention of health damage is the UN agency: the World Health Organisation (WHO). Yes, the same WHO that has declared COVID-19 a global health emergency when, in early February 2020, there were less than 200 official “confirmed cases” worldwide, outside of China.

As of today, WHO has strangely kept silence on the issues related to 5G. Why? – There are unproven suspicions voiced, including from some renowned scientists, that the severity of COVID-19 may, at least in some cases, have to do with 5G. But as we have witnessed, anybody even suggesting that this link should be investigated have been banned by YouTube such as the recent removal of David Icke (love him or loathe him). Is there yet time to test the effects before launching 5G? No… the elites have a plan to implement, and no time to lose. As of now, 5G has already been rolled out in Northern Italy, Rome and Napoli – and in New York City.

As for the ‘Ugly‘ it should already be clear that what is happening, and the responses taken, correspond directly with what was planned long ago, promoted in 2010 by the Rockefeller Foundation, tested in a dry-run in October 2019 by Bill Gates, the WHO, and the WEF followed ‘coincidentally’ by the discovery of a deadly virus requiring the implementation of said ‘Plan‘ which was approved at the dry-run testing. Are you beginning to see the big picture?

But surely the WHO aren’t part of this ugly and nefarious scheme?

The thing to note about projects Agenda 2030, ID2020, and the Rockefeller Lock Step Plan is that they are all done in plain sight (although mainstream media helpfully forgets to report on them). This is because the people behind all this believe in what they are doing, and have already accepted that sacrifices must be made, including people must die, must lose freedoms, and must cede sovereign rights, “for the good of the planet”. And even this is not hidden… as politicians, popularists, mainstream media, and yes even Bill Gates, champion the phrase repeatedly:

This is the new normal

Of course there is absolutely no need to accept a New Normal when simply Returning to Normal after the pandemic ends is what we all want. But as we’re being conditioned to accept these 1984 conditions (that would not look out of place in Stalin’s Russia or Mao’s China), and as all those with power already agree, what have the global watchdogs got to say? The answer is grim: our governments are behind what is being implemented, the UN sanctioned it in the first place, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO)s are busy implementing it, and the WHO remains silent (although they do admit that no independent official study has been carried out on the dangers of 5G nor electromagnetic fields in general). Does that mean that only the WHO hasn’t been co-opted by the rich and powerful people behind it all, and has merely been misled?

Suffice it to say, the WHO was created in 1948 by the Rockefeller Foundation, as is documented in The Lancet. And if this isn’t enough to settle any of your doubts that the WHO is just as corrupt as the other “world watchdogs”, about half of the WHO’s budget comes from private interest sources: mostly the pharma industry, and telecom giants (among others). More interesting however is that, now that the US has withdrawn funding from the WHO, Bill Gates is the WHO’s single biggest donor and the amount he donates dwarfs all the countries and donors combined. It’s curious isn’t it that despite so much harm and destruction the global plandemic has caused already… far exceeding coronavirus deaths, that the required solutions benefit the same pharma, technology and telecom industries, the bankers, and Bill Gates himself (who owns a major stake in all pharma, technology, and media… as well as funding the WHO and the relevant areas of the BBC).

Returning to the economist and geo-political analyst Peter Koenig, he discusses this further:

It may also help us understand what is happening right now, in the first phase of the Lock Step scenario. It portrays in vivid colors the criminal nature of the Dark Deep State. Never mind the stock market crash – that’s a speculator’s syndrome, rich people’s risks, as the stock market is a western invention to play with capital and capital gains to the detriment of the workers, whose lives depend on working that capital. They are the first ones to go, when Big Money calls for a merger – or a bankruptcy.

Now the almost universal and justified-by-NOTHING quarantine, total lock-down of every business, small or big: restaurants, construction, tourism, little and big hardware stores, bakeries, air lines, transport – interrupted supply chains – factories, food processing – and it goes on and on.

In the Global North some up to 90% of business transactions are emanating from small and medium size enterprises (SMEs). Almost all of them are closed now. Two thirds or more of them may never open again. Employees and workers are laid off, or are reduced to part-time work, meaning part-time pay – but still need to sustain their families. Poverty and desperation set in and becomes rampant. No future in sight. Suicide rates will rise – see Greece in the 2008 / 2009 crisis – and up to ten years later – broken families, foreclosures, families expulsed from rental apartments because they can no longer pay their rents. Street begging becomes normal, except there is nobody left to spare a dime.

Pope Calls for Aid to Famine Victims in Africa | Dormition ...
Pope Calls for Aid to Famine Victims in Africa | Dormition

In Europe at least a third to maybe 50% or more of the work force – depending on the country and structure of the labor force – is expected to be unemployed or will be reduced to part time work. And that’s only the beginning. In the US official unemployment figures are as of this writing in excess of 23 million – and are expected, by predictions of the FED, Goldman Sachs, Bloomberg -to reach between 32% and 40% in the next quarter. Bankruptcies may spin out of control.

The IMF predicts for 2020 a worldwide economic contraction of a mere 3% – and a small growth rate in the latter part of 2021. How utterly ridiculous! – What planet are these people on? Whom are they trying to fool, and why? Perhaps to encourage countries to borrow huge amounts of foreign exchange from these predatory Bretton Woods institutions: IMF and World Bank – to get deeply into debt, thinking with IMF predictions they will be fine? – Further enslavement by deceit?

This is the Global North – which has some kind of social safety nets, whatever flimsy they may be – there is a sliver of hope for relief. Another sliver of hope is built on the premises that mankind will be constantly creating – working ingeniously inventing, moving forward flowing like a river towards new horizons, creating new dynamics, new jobs… yes, that’s what mankind can do – and in our comfort we have forgotten this virtue – an essential virtue for survival – survival of the corona crisis.

The Global South – or developing countries – presents a grimmer story. Under normal circumstances a third to half of the economy is informal, meaning not tight to any norm of formal or legal organization. They are short-term workers, daily, hourly laborers – living from hand-to-mouth, no savings, no safety nets- and in most cases no health coverage. They are left to the whims of the “market”, literally, now the market collapsed.

There is nothing left. No work, no income, no money to pay for food, rent, medication – and the government orders them, the deprived poverty-stricken, to stay ‘home’ – ‘lock-down’ in quarantine – to protect themselves from a virus, an imposed virus that nobody sees, but the government and the media make sure you are aware – and SCARED – of its dangers, you never know whether true or false. Confinement at ”home”? – Where is home? Home is gone. No money to pay rent. Keep social distance – don’t get together. Stay apart. The infection could spread. Fear is of the essence.

The one-size-fits-all approach of world leaders, as directed by Bill Gates (the new world governments’ advisor on all things pandemic), and the WHO, based on the aforementioned projects, clearly cannot work. Even in Europe the different cultures are struggling to adopt the same models: South Europe are struggling much more than North Europe, yet the EU still refuses to break from this one-size-fits-all approach. Even in Nigeria we discover that the Nigerian police have killed more people in maintaining lock-down than have actually been killed by the virus (according to their own official figures). And if there is an even more obvious example of the failure of this approach in Africa, we can look to what Koenig refers to as the Global South.

Here the people have no money to pay for food, transport or rent; landlords put them in the streets, and throw them out of their properties. How can they stay in confinement? How can they take care of themselves by quarantine? How can they lock-down, having no shelter and no food? They can’t. Nobody has anything. There simply is nothing: total deprivation, caused by a total economic standstill, forced upon the world (and especially the poor for “a greater purpose”) that as we have read from their own sources, includes reducing the world’s population.

But surely such wholesale death by starvation will be reported, and the world will see how destructive the ‘solutions’ truly are? I ask in return: by the mainstream media, like the BBC whose department dealing with this is financed by Bill Gates? That media? You see, this Plan has been prepared for decades, and it was recognised back then that the biggest threat to their plans, the media, could be turned into their advantage given enough time and money. Fast-forward to today and the mainstream media is nothing more than the propaganda arm of those with power and wealth. And while we in Britain stand at our windows, clapping for the NHS and watching Tik-Tok videos of NHS nurses dancing, chaos reigns in places like Africa. And oblivious as we are to what is happening, things there get worse: Famine strikes, making them weaker and weaker, more prone to diseases and to die – not from COVID-19, but from starvation caused by countries’ lock-downs. But as the Plan instructs, and governments and mainstream media oblige, all deaths around the world MUST be automatically attributed to the corona pandemic. So just as in Italy, where only 12% of all deaths attributed to COVID-19 are actual deaths caused by COVID-19, these poor starved-to-death people in the Global South become ‘COVID-19 deaths’, and so the panic and hysteria continues and fuels the ordinary man to accept any authoritarian practice… indeed, even to beg for it out of fear. Just like Rockefeller said, and Gates hoped.

And make no mistake, it isn’t just in the Global South where famine will kill millions, the Global North is not long behind it. As the New York Times (22-Apr-20) reports:

Instead of Coronavirus, the Hunger Will Kill Us.

A Global Food Crisis Looms. The world has never faced a hunger emergency like this, experts say. It could double the number of people facing acute hunger to 265 million by the end of this year.

In Kibera, the largest slum in Nairobi, Kenya, residents already live in extreme poverty. Desperate to eat set off a stampede during a recent giveaway of flour and cooking oil, leaving scores injured and two people dead.

In India, thousands of workers are lining up twice a day for bread and fried vegetables to keep hunger at bay.

And across Colombia, poor households are hanging red clothing and flags from their windows and balconies as a sign that they are hungry.

Another name heavily associated with, as yet undiscussed, all this the planning and machinations is Henry Kissinger who, when addressing the question of famine in the 1970s, said:

Who controls the food supply controls the people

Who controls the energy can control whole continents

Who controls money can control the world

Kissinger, like the Gates, the Rockefellers  all believe they are right, and believe they are well-meaning saviours of mankind and the planet. They also believe that they alone have the experience and knowledge to do what needs to be done, however unpalatable. They have never made a secret of  their desire to reduce the world population in a format that reminds one of eugenics, by “eradicating poverty”, for example through vaccination – starting in Africa. This belief goes back to Margaret Sanger in the US (who set up Planned Parenthood for this precise purpose) and Marie Stokes in the UK. The first attempt had been forceful sterilisation, and had subsequently been exposed. Something equally sickening, and also exposed, though not reported by mainstream media, is Bill Gates who had been testing his vaccines in Africa which resulted in children being paralysed.

Having learned from this: how to conduct tests and avoid criminal charges, Gates has recently suggested that he would try out his new corona vaccine in Africa – to which even his longtime friend, and WHO Director General Dr Tedros, protested. It is both diabolical as well as beyond comprehension that the “global elites” really believe they are contributing to the future and well-being of humanity, while their actions have resulted in abject misery, unemployment, despair and death.

Without such ‘well-being of humanity’ coercive measures it could hardly be explained why almost all governments on the planet submit to this horrendous social and economic agenda and lie, lie, abject lie to their people. Sacrificing the very people they are supposed to protect against unemployment, famine and despair. And just before you think they can’t get any more authoritarian, the Clintons have recently launched the Plan surveillance (called “sousveillance”) system, requiring neighbours to report on disobedient neighbours, families, and friends. You’ve heard about it no doubt: Contact Tracing

Contact Tracing

According to best24News Public Health England have stated:

Contact Tracing is a crucial part of outbreak control and is used by public health officials around the globe in a bid to prevent infections. A new contact tracing app developed by the NHS is due to be released across the UK in the coming weeks. The app is likely to be rolled out to a test area next week before being deployed across the wider country in the next two to three weeks (as of Apr-20).Contact Tracing is the process by which infected persons are identified and those who they have come into contact with are warned. The Government is now recruiting a coronavirus contract tracing army of 18,000 people.

A Contact Tracing app has been created to log when people come into contact with others who are suspected of being infected with COVID-19 by using Bluetooth signals. Health Secretary Matt Hancock has said: “The more people who sign up for this new app when it goes live, the better informed our response will be and the better we can, therefore, protect the NHS.

The government further suggested that it might become necessary to make the app mandatory for everyone who doesn’t want to remain locked-down. This has already been done by the CCP and in place in China, and is currently being tested in the UK.

Anyone who has come into contact with someone who tests positive for the virus is assessed by a Contact Tracer and then designated as a high or low risk. If they are a low-risk person they do not require self-isolation. However, for high-risk individuals, they are ‘advised’ to self-isolate and may be contacted daily by Contact Tracers.

The whole message from Public Health England and the UK government (and this is being repeated around the globe), and promoted by the BBC and all other media, has a veneer that it is all for our own good and the good of the whole world. You see “viruses do not recognise borders” as Bill Gates says. It is also precisely what the the UN’s Agenda 2030 and Bill Gates’s Agenda ID2020 require for the world to do in order to usher in a One World Government that will take care of all our, and the planets, needs. The Global Warming panic was rapidly losing credibility due to claims of the end of the world in 12 (now 11) years time, so another panic was necessary.

Surveillance and personal data capture

Not everything that can be done should be done, and some things no matter how good and needed they might appear on the surface should be avoided at all costs. And this latter example is what is true today: Apple and Google are building a mass surveillance system that is being remotely introduced into every connected iPhone and Android device in the world. This is achieved via Contract Tracing, and we are being told that this is needed to help government health authorities, like the NHS, and a broader “ecosystem of apps” to trace contacts of people infected with COVID-19. But this is one of those “good intentions” that’s paving our way into a dystopian mass surveillance future. We need to have a serious discussion about measures that will fundamentally alter the way we live our modern lives -complacency and blind trust in authorities is the worst thing we can do in times of this crisis.

This new Contact Tracing technology will use mobile phones, via an API built by Apple and Google, to enable country-specific health authorities to build apps that work on a variety of available phones (without the health authorities needing to worry about it).

In plain English please

Basically the phone companies build a bridge between apps you install and the phone’s system, so that they can talk to each other in the background. This means that as the phone gets updated, or as new phones come out, the apps don’t need to be modified as the API bridge will make sure the apps still work without you needing to do (or agree) to anything. This makes using smartphones “trouble-free” (sic).

Be aware however that this process can be misused to avoid scrutiny. Google pushes API updates onto phones without any co-operation of device manufacturers, carriers, nor users, and the updates will go as far back as the phones in circulation. Apple has the same capability with IOS. Already governments around the world, including the UK, have already made their apps available, and thousands upon thousands have already installed them out of sheer panic or frustration with lock-down.

What is noteworthy is that both Apple and Google say they won’t be releasing health apps of their own – in effect ensuring no smartphone user has the ability to express consent with either global powerhouse, despite the assurances given by each app installed. This means that via the API, both tech giants will have access to all the data obtained and used by the health service. They will also be able to push features and instructions to said apps invisibly and in the background. Thus Apple and Google will start creating a database of all of the phones within your bluetooth range (which is about 100 to 200 feet) when you test positive for the virus, whether you want them to or not. Also whether the people you walk past want them to or not whose phones yours will connect to. And in the background your phone will then broadcast your infection status to all of the devices in the database. This alerts all the people that have been in your range over the past two weeks – supposedly without giving out your identity or location.

In the giants’ own words, this phone-based system solution is there to:

Invite more individuals and developers, and not just health authorities, to tap into the database and create their own apps.

So potentially any claim Google and Apple make about transparency privacy and consent will be exacerbated by the ecosystem of mobile apps. This update will open up the doors for an unlimited number of third parties to capitalise on the newly available stream of highly sensitive data of users. Apple and Google will try to reassure you that they will not be collecting any personally identifiable information, but that is simply not true:

  • Firstly, there is no clear distinction between personal data and personally identifiable data – but both can lead to your identity being revealed, even if you strip away obvious identifiers like names or postcodes (zip codes). Everything on your phone, such as your contacts, waking hours, interests or occupation, etc. will be made available.
  • Secondly, both Google and Apple hold, or have access to, other identifiable information that can be linked with the anonymised database of Contact Tracing, and reveal individuals’ information. They know your device information and location, and unique phone IDs, which can be tied to your data from the Contact Tracing system. It is impossible to guarantee anonymity of location data once that data is connected to another database – re-identification of anonymous databases has been an easy task for researchers for decades: with three to four data points one could re-identify 87% to 95% of anonymous cases with modern AI (which is why Bill Gates and mainstream media is talking up how much AI can help). It may take less than an hour to find 84% of identities in an anonymous database.

In one study the success rate went all the way to 99.98% with just 15 demographic attributes. Now take into an account that tech companies like Apple and Google hold thousands of data points on you, no amount of anonymisation of Contact Tracing is going to mean anything on a long enough timeline (which would explain extending lock-downs despite they having no impact on case numbers, and that they weaken the immune system). 

Furthermore, bluetooth technology has inherent privacy issues. With bluetooth turned on, your phone broadcasts its presence to nearby devices and it’s signals can be easily picked up and identified. Your device can have a fixed mac address or show an explicitly identifiable name, and these can be picked up by antenna boosters (maybe attached to some newly installed towers, say like the new 5G masts) that cover large areas – which can be used for mapping and correlation attacks: malicious actors can thus de-anonymise targeted users of Contact Tracing apps, or wreak havoc by spamming false alerts. What’s worse, is that this attack can be passively done by simply observing the central database to see if a targeted user reports a positive test.

These Contact Tracing measures are promised to be temporary and immediately discarded once the panic fades away, but nearly two decades after the US installed the “temporary” Patriot Act it still hasn’t expired. In the US case, the government surveillance powers has grown ever since, to the point where “in the name of national security” the intelligence community is collecting private information on everybody by default – just in case it might come in handy in the future (including “in case of a potential coronavirus pandemic”). And who is to say that every other government won’t follow by example – so not only will big corporations have access to everything about you, so too will the government.

So when will lock-down end and when will Contact Tracing no longer be necessary? When we flatten the curve? When we no longer see a consequent spike in new cases? Should we keep these measures in place just in case a second wave should rise (as many predict, thanks to weakened immune systems)? In fact, we will be told:

Why can’t we keep Contact Tracing in place, just in case, for a potential future pandemic; and why not use it for other viral outbreaks? And why stop at health crises: why not use Contact Tracing to fight organised crime, or track drug dealers, and their suppliers and buyers? What’s to stop us from taking advantage of such precise and real-time surveillance to make public transport more convenient? Why not use Contact Tracing to detect and debtor voter fraud and manage immigration?

The precedent has already been set, both in the US and China.

We already know that city-wide shutdown in Wuhan ended in the first week of April, but the Chinese government is still surveilling its citizens – and according to mainstream media (in an article in The Atlantic paper) China is the best model for all western governments to adopt. And in the case of Singapore, the government there was among the first to put blind trust in Contact Tracing but decided to go for a full lock-down when tracking people proved insufficient.

But surely we can trust Google and Apple with government oversight?

In 2015, Google illegally acquired identifiable records of 1.6 million patients from a UK healthcare trust. Google’s DeepMind then used real patient data to develop and test a new health advertisement called Streams. Google then promised it wouldn’t be connecting patient information from Deepoint Health with their Google accounts, but in 2018 Google moved the DeepMind subsidiary under its own wings, and bridged the sensitive healthy data with google services, thus directly removing Google from restrictions while simultaneously allowing Google (and any customer such as governments or NGOs) access to said data without consequence. What was the reasoning behind it? Google wanted their Streams app to scale globally. Should we expect Apple and Google to resist the temptation to scale the Contact Tracing technology globally when the opportunity arises?

App and Kit Efficiency Testing

What’s most tragically deceiving about Contact Tracing is that it is fundamentally inadequate. Any such system would still heavily rely on testing test kits for this disease, which to-date have been imperfect – to say the least, and have often led to false positives or negatives.

But even with completely accurate testing the capacity is still going to be limited, and Contact Tracing would even further overwhelm the demand for tests. So in the end, constant bluetooth-based mass surveillance would be of a little to no help to the stated requirement, because of the bottleneck of standard testing, yet we are still expected to sacrifice so much of our freedom and privacy.

Professor of Security Engineering at the University of Cambridge: Ross Anderson, warned about several major flaws in the design of Contact Tracing technology. Anderson warns:

Apple and Google cannot promise equal levels of privacy and security if they opted for a centralised structure. All the data would be flowing into one location and create a single point of failure. Very lucrative to hackers and advertisers willing to pay premiums for access to such a database.

If they stick with a decentralised app development with peer-to-peer communication, then releasing daily security patches and updates to 169 different types of phone, will be a painful task that is bound to leave gaping holes ready to be exploited by malicious actors others. Add that bluetooth tracing will have some fundamental flaws – like not being able to recognise people in close proximity but separated by walls in different rooms, or not distinguishing between walking past a positive case on the street and touching a contaminated surface, not to mention the other half of the global population that doesn’t have access to smartphones or the internet.

Contact Tracing dangerously entices corporate incentives, the invasive nature of digital advertising and data mining, and we shouldn’t blindly rally behind whatever the governmental authorities tell us is “the best thing to do”. Unfortunately, this is precisely what is now happening – thanks to unemployment and boredom created by locking-down. We should be careful how much safety we are calling for, because one day we might wake up and realise we are living in a country-sized prison.

Lock-Down Effects

We are told by the government, and repeated ad nauseum by the mainstream media, that the lock-down is necessary [1] to stop the spread of the the virus and save lives, and [2] to “Flatten the Curve” and save the NHS. But how exactly would these work, and will they actually do what is promised?

Saving Lives

When we were first told we had to remain in lock-down at home and only venture outside if absolutely necessary, it was to combat the virus. By staying inside, they said, the virus would die out. This was a nonsensical claim, as all coronaviruses are here to stay and are only weakened by herd immunity (which, surprise surprise, is mocked by mainstream media and prevented by lock-downs). And once a new coronavirus emerges, it falls into the same pattern as all others such as colds and flu in the above graph shows. COVID-19 is no different. Whether we isolate ourselves indoors, or expose ourselves outdoors, it does not matter to the virus. And when the stupidity of this claim was pointed out, mainstream media immediately switched narrative to saying that Lock-Down was necessary to “Flatten the Curve”

Flatten that Curve

This second justification for self-imprisonment, we are told, is to protect the NHS – and while we’re at it, let’s stand outside and applause the dancing nurses. This claim is more accurate, but what does it actually mean?

If one looks at the above illustration it appears clear what “flattening the curve” means: that something is spread over a longer time, so the NHS doesn’t have to deal with them all in one go. What the famous image forgets to mention, however, is that the two ‘curves’ represent a fixed number of infected people or deaths. So what the real reason for lock-down isn’t to save lives nor minimise infected because the number remains unchanged. It is to spread the sick and dying over a longer period. So, other than freeing up nurses’ time so that they can make dancing Tik-Tok videos, what does it actually achieve?

The obvious achievement is that it extends the length of the pandemic, and if lock-down continues possibly indefinitely. Clearly this doesn’t help stop the disease, nor protect the people, so who does it help? Who would benefit from a long shutdown of society?

Another impact is that as the hospitals postpone all treatments to prepare for the imagined overwhelming rush, existing medical cases remain in lock-down: people with cancer and other urgent and lethal problems, are left untreated and die when they wouldn’t have ordinarily. For the rich and powerful elites behind the lock-down this can actually benefit the deadly farce by counting such unnecessary deaths as COVID-19 deaths, thus inflating the already inflated statistics to justify the lock-down.

And what about businesses? Despite the country grounding to a standstill, and small business having to close and people made unemployed, the government has allowed vital businesses to remain open: meaning the large businesses can remain trading at the expense of the smaller and local competitors. Lucky for those large corporations (as they predicted at Event 201 at which they were invited).

Even the Climate Change Alarmists are rubbing their hands in glee. The longer air travel is stopped, and cars are off the road, the more the fuel industry suffers and the more of their “green agenda” is fulfilled…just as UN Agenda 2030 was hoping and planning. And don’t forget once the lock-down is lifted, all the people emerging will be very susceptible to illnesses they were protected against but are no longer thanks to a weakened immune system, including from COVID-19 (which was waiting patiently), and so the whole lock-down farce can begin again with a so-called Second Wave.

This is just a sample of so many beneficiaries of the lock-down which is not combating the virus, and is actually killing people who need medical attention or through suicide.

So how can this cycle of sickness-lockdown-sickness be broken? Well the ordinary pawns – er, I mean people – will be praying for a “cure” and will be first in line when Bill Gates turns up with his “vaccine” (despite the fact that corona viruses can’t be vaccinated against). And as a real vaccine will either never arrive, or if Bill Gates does present one, what will that mean? Well, ID2020 of course… lucky for Bill Gates and the One World governance that the UN is touting for.

Aren’t we all lucky that Bill Gates, the WHO, and the WEF were so fortuitous to have prepared for an imagined a lethal novel coronavirus pandemic at their Event 201 exercise 6 weeks before it all happened?

But are there any other beneficiaries at the common man’s expense?

Mass Media Takeover

Mainstream media has been suffering greatly since of late it has become more and more known that it does not provide actual news, but is a propaganda machine for the rich and powerful. They had lost the narrative with the voting public, and the people were awakening to the truth: governments were being replaced based upon their stance against the rich and powerful and their media, and exposing mainstream media for the hacks they really are. There seemed no way to prevent the death of mainstream media as we knew it. No way, that is, until the COVID-19 pandemic.

Since the first “symptom” of COVID-19 appeared, the mainstream media were prepared (thanks to their involvement in Event 201) and launched their rehearsed initiative: the complete takeover of mass media on a global level. Nearly every media source – no matter its target audience or niche interest – switched to 24/7 COVID-19 coverage, and the media prepared the masses for a long crisis. All other news topics became irrelevant and got evacuated from the public discourse – including the deaths and violence resulting from the lock-down itself, and the over-reach of governments and especially the police. Nearly all forms of entertainment – most notably professional sports – were put on hold, forcing people to solely focus on the pandemic, and to follow dictated instructions.

In newspapers, scoreboards displaying sports results were replaced with a morbid “deaths and confirmed cases” scoreboard that is custom-made to generate fear, and everything on the TV screen carries the same scoreboard in the corner just so people don’t forget. Every day billions of humans anxiously follow these “scores” knowing that their freedom and livelihood depend solely on these WHO-provided government-issued numbers. If the numbers do not go down (whether in truth they do or not), the confinement goes on, people and economies suffer, and agenda-driven groups continue to benefit.

As COVID-19 took over mass media, popular culture as a whole instantly turned into a barren wasteland. There are no new cultural products, cinemas closed, concerts cancelled; and no artists releasing material that could ease minds, provide some entertainment or, perhaps, provide some much-needed insight. Most artists are reduced to social media “influencers” who repeat the Orwellian orders heard everywhere else around the world: “Stay home and wash your hands”, while critics and genuine reporters get banned and videos removed from the last source of non-mainstream media news and entertainment.

In short, nearly all forms of social and cultural distractions were replaced with wall-to-wall COVID-19 fear-mongering coverage. As people consume a steady stream of frightful news, levels of anxiety keep going up, creating an ideal context for the introduction of police-state measures. And what’s worse is that while in the past such measures would have been strongly protested against, these measures are welcomed with thundering applause.

High Tech Police State

In communist China, the authoritarian regime: the CCP was criticised for mandating that Chinese citizens must show a government-issued QR code on their phone in order to take public transportation. Today, the WHO praise this move by the CCP and recommend it as a model for the rest of the world… and the world rejoices. How quickly the people on the planet switched from disdain for the totalitarian model of no freedom, to embracing and demanding their own enslavement – if only it would remove the horror and destruction wrought by the unnecessarily imposed restriction of movement called COVID-19 Lock-Down.

The threat of a deadly pandemic is the perfect context to introduce aggressive police state tactics. People are scared and they want to see decisive measures taken by their government. However, once this is all said and done, will society recover 100% of its freedoms? Or will it gradually go back to about 50%, celebrating each percent as a victory? The first casualty of the pandemic was air travel. Simply put, it just stopped. All flights were cancelled and people abroad were told to go back home as soon as possible. Once everyone got home, everyone was told to remain home. Then, in a matter of days, governments went from banning “large gatherings” to banning gatherings of “2 or more people” and enforcing people keeping apart by at least 2m/6ft.

These unprecedented restrictions on human contact generated a climate of fear and paranoia unheard of in human history (except in the very real pandemic cases of the Plague and the Spanish Flu) as people began to alert authorities of illegal gatherings, and neighbours (as well as complete strangers) not obeying curfew or Social Distancing with worrying glee. While these tattle-tales would argue that “the faster the epidemic is eradicated, the faster we all return to normalcy”, precedents are being set. [A quick update: the database containing details of all the tattle-tales was “accidentally” leaked to the public. Now the tattle-tails are complaining that what they do is now being scrutinised. Oh the irony]. And now governments are stumbling over themselves to be the first employ an army of official tattle-tales: Contact Tracers as dictated to do by the Clintons.

Just as the police in Nigeria have done, police in India beat lock-down violators with sticks, and this is now beginning to occur world-wide. This pandemic has also justified the use of high tech surveillance at a level never seen before. Here are some examples from around the world:

  • In China, government-installed CCTV cameras point at the apartment door of those under a 14-day quarantine to ensure they don’t leave. Drones tell people to wear their masks and routinely sprays people with disinfectant. Digital bar-codes on mobile apps highlight the health status of individuals.
  • In Singapore, the government rolled out an app called TraceTogether. It uses Bluetooth signals between cellphones to see if potential carriers of the coronavirus have been in close contact with other people.
  • Over in Hong Kong, some residents were made to wear a wristband which linked to a smartphone app and could alert authorities if a person left their place of quarantine.
  • In South Korea, the government used records such as credit card transactions, smartphone location data, and CCTV video, as well as conversations with people, to create a system where confirmed cases were tracked. The result was a map that could tell people whether they had gone near a coronavirus carrier.
  • On Thursday, the South Korean government launched an enhanced tool that it says can help track patients even more closely in near real time, in order to allegedly see where the disease was moving.
  • Meanwhile, Israel’s security agency Shin Bet is using citizens’ cell phone location data to track where they’ve been so they can enforce quarantine controls and monitor the movements of those infected. Controversially, the data has been collected over the past few years and intended for counter-terrorism purposes, the New York Times reported. The newspaper said this data trove and the collection of it had not been previously reported.
  • Some parts of India were stamping the hands of people arriving at airports telling them how long they had to be quarantined, Reuters reported. Reservation data from airlines and trains were being monitored to make sure those people didn’t travel, the report added. In the south Indian state of Kerala, authorities have been using a mixture of telephone call records, surveillance camera footage, and phone location data, to track down people who may have been in contact with coronavirus patients.
  • In the US the government is talking to Facebook, Google and other tech companies about the possibility of using location and movement data from Americans’ smartphones to combat coronavirus. CNBC reported that the use of surveillance to fight coronavirus raises concerns about government power after pandemic ends
  • And good old UK has seen Bedfordshire police updating the software on its CCTV across the area so that they can, in real time, measure the distance between people walking around and alert the police when someone breaks the 2m/6ft requirement.

Albert Fox Cahn, the executive director of the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project, believes that most of these measures are here to stay. And this is not a controversial opinion. He stated:

Planetary Hysteria: Manufactured COVID-19 “Health Crisis” Pushes Humanity, Global Society to Total Shutdown

We have absolutely no reason to believe that the government agencies that are eager to expand their power in response to COVID-19 will be willing to see those authorities lapse once the virus is eradicated.

And if anyone thinks that everything will come to an end when, or if, the pandemic should end, they should think again. The high-tech Bill Gates-endorsed police state will continue, and the after-pandemic will lead to other major sources of concern.

In these critical times, we must keep track of the many ways society is being altered, and we must make sure that, once the virus is declared to be “gone”, liberty is fully restored. And we must ensure that we do not enter into an age of a New Normal, but instead return to what our fore-fathers fought so hard to preserve.

COVID-19 – The Aftermath

What will be next? Is a question on many people’s minds. Very likely the world will never be the same again. That might be good, or not so good, depending on how we look at this disastrous, “pandemic” which by all serious accounts does not deserve the term “pandemic”, that was unwittingly attributed to the SARS-2-CoV, or 2019-nCoV, renamed by WHO as COVID-19.

On March 11, Dr. Tedros, WHO’s Director General, called it a pandemic. This decision was already taken by the WEF (World Economic Forum) in Davos, from 20 -24 January 2020, when the total COVID-19 cases outside of China were recorded by WHO as 150. On  January  30, the WHO Director General determines that the outbreak outside of Mainland China constituted a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). This was a first indication that there was something not quite right, that there is another agenda behind the “outbreak” of the COVID-19 disease.

Despite what he is now saying, on March 26 in a peer-reviewed article in the highly reputed New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, one of the 27 institutes and centers that make up the US National Institutes of Health – NIH), likened COVID-19 to a stronger than usual common flu

This scientific assessment in the New England Journal of Medicine has not prevented Dr. Fauci from saying exactly the opposite, when interviewed by the mainstream media.

If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.

Dr. Fauci – nejm.org

A Contradictory Report

According to the WHO, COVID-19 is akin to influenza. In this regard, New York Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell, suggests that his assessments do not correspond to the normal pattern of COVID-19 as defined by the WHO.

Dr. Kyle Sidell is an emergency medicine physician based in Brooklyn, New York, affiliated with the Maimonides Medical Center. According to Dr. Kyle Sidell, COVID-19  is an “Oxygen Deprivation Disease” dissimilar from Pneumonia. All locations report severe cases of respiratory blockages that cannot be resolved with the common respirators. In fact, they are made worse by respirators. – Perhaps another example to the manufactured nature of the virus?

In the meantime, other high-ranking scientists, microbiologists and medical doctors from all over the world, are questioning the draconian worldwide shutdown because of the COVID-19 coronavirus. They all say, these draconian measures are not necessary to contain a pandemic with a relatively low fatality rate.

Even in Italy, if the counting and accounting was done more carefully, more according to true statistical norms, the fatality rate would be perhaps 1%, or less. On March 23, Italy’s civil protection chief Angelo Borrelli, told La Repubblica newspaper: it was credible that for every officially reported case, there may be at least 10 infected cases not reported, asymptomatic cases, not requiring a doctor’s visit. If this were true, the actual mortality rate would in a stroke become one percent instead of ten percent.

What the world is experiencing, resembles a well-planned worldwide declaration and implementation of Martial Law with socio-economically disastrous consequences, far worse than the disease itself. Nobody moves. The economy comes to an almost standstill, marking a Major Economy Shift.

Economic Impact

COVID-19 incited several governments to enact a controversial measure: The closing of all non-essential businesses. This led to millions of workers instantly losing their jobs. It also led to some unhealthy wheeling-and-dealings with governments to determine which businesses are deemed essential or not. While most major corporations will weather the storm and hire back employees, a great number of small and medium businesses will not survive the shutdown.

The situation also creates clear winners: Major chains such as Boots, Asda, Waitrose, and Amazon (to name a few). In fact, due to a staggering jump in sales, Amazon recently announced the hiring over 100,000 employees to help cope with the demand. However, not unlike most jobs available at these major chains, the offered pay nears minimum wage. So as people lose their paid jobs, they are forced to accept less income.

As the lock-down persists, we are seeing a major shift in the global economy: small and medium businesses struggle and die, and the high street looks more and more bare, while gigantic entities thrive as they turn into monolithic “distribution centres” for essential goods.

To prevent a complete crash of the global economy, governments announced trillions in financial aid to those impacted by the shutdown. However, this money does not come out of thin air: It will result in massive debts and, most likely higher taxes. In poorer countries, financial aid is rare or non-existent – a recipe for impending chaos, whose impact we are already seeing as people are starving.

In the end, all economic crises always end up favouring the already rich and powerful elite. The net result of the financial crash of 2008 (and its bailouts) led to the funnelling of tens of trillions of dollars from the pockets of the middle class towards the world elite. This COVID-19 crisis will most likely end with similar results.

This begs the question, what is behind it, and what comes next?

Al-Jazeera reports on 2 April that Global Coronavirus cases top 1 million with 50,000 deaths. Politico said on April 2 that only two weeks into the corona lock-down almost 10 million workers in the US are without a job.

The total job losses in just two weeks — almost 10 million Americans — amounts to a staggering, sudden blow to American workers never seen before in the U.S. economy. The labour market in the coming weeks could blow past the 15 million jobs lost at the peak of the 18-month Great Recession from 2007 to 2009.

On March 31, the FED predicted an alarming forecast: 32% unemployment and 47 million out of work for the next quarter as the coronavirus continues to spread. Bankruptcies, especially of small and medium-size enterprises may be spiralling out of control within a month or two. This would have a further domino effect on unemployment – Goldman Sachs – GS (on 20 March 2020)

Sees unprecedented stop in economic activity, with 2nd quarter GDP contracting 24% Goldman Sachs economists forecast a historically sharp and swift recession, with second-quarter GDP sinking a stunning 24% after a 6% decline in the first quarter.” GS economist predict a further GDP decline of 5% in the second quarter 

“Home lenders brace for up to 15 million US mortgage defaults.” So, says Bloomberg (April 2), adding that “Mortgage Defaults Could Pile Up at Pace That Dwarfs 2008”. Mortgage lenders are preparing for the biggest wave of delinquency in history

All of this is already happening. These figures cover only the United States, and do not yet account for Europe and the rest of the world. Such figures for Europe are not yet available, but predictions are that they may be similarly grim.

Looking at Asia, except for China, Africa and Latin America, they have a large informal sector which is difficult to control, but which most certainly is slipping through any flimsy social safety net countries may have.

Reliable statistics are not available. But “guestimates” have it, for example in Peru, that in good times, the informal sector may amount to as much as one third of the economy. In hard times, like now, possibly up to 50%, or even higher.

The picture of a coming mega-depression, that never existed in recent history, may continue as many of the bankrupt small and medium size enterprises – including airlines, tourist industries – et al, will be bought up by huge monopolies that already exist (Google, Amazon, AliBaba, and more). Mergers of gigantic proportions may take place. It may be the last shift of capital from the bottom to the top in our era of civilisation as we know it.

The Economic Calamity upon the World’s Population

It is even worse for the people of the informal sector. They have no firm employment, they depend on day-to-day labour, or even hourly work. They live from one day to the next, they have no savings. Their sheer survival depends on these sporadic jobs and meek incomes, incomes way below the minimum wage that allow them barely to survive – and often not.

They suffer famine, disease – as they have no fixed homes, no money to pay rent – they may die of famine or sheer despair. And for those who managed to save, they too will fall victim as their savings dwindle to nothing.

Delinquency and crime may also increase exponentially, as we are already witnessing even in the West. Hungry people have nothing to lose. They may raid supermarkets and drug stores/chemists. It has also been reported that bodies were found in the streets of large cities in Latin America.

They could have died from all sorts of reasons related to the economic shut-down: hunger, diseases, desolation, suicide. Is their infection (or death) ascribed to COVID-19?  Do fish swim? What this would result in is a process of inflation of  the estimates pertaining to those people who have allegedly died from the virus, thereby contributing to more fear and more panic.

Is that the goal? Make everybody afraid. People in fear and panic can easily be manipulated.

People will ask for police protection from an invisible enemy. The size of the COVID-19 virus is 70 to 90 billionth of a metre, (or nano-metre “nm” – one nm = 0.000000001 m). You don’t see it, but people could transmit it – invisibly too. They could be deadly – in the case of COVID-19, their lethality is relatively low (predicted by real virologists and doctors as between 0.03% and 0.08% depending on how one measures the infection and death rate). But the fear factor may be more important than the virus itself.

This doomsday scenario is not a fiction, its real. Everything in this blog (except where I explicitly state otherwise) is available from scientific and governmental documents and sites. It’s already happening now and what we see might be just a tiny tip of the iceberg. We may be looking at a complete collapse of our Western economy, and growing misery for all the people the world over. What will happen to these people, without jobs, without incomes, many of whom may also lose their homes, as they will not be able to pay their mortgages or rents?

Reduction of Population 

In 1974, under the Nixon administration, the then Secretary of State, the aforementioned Henry Kissinger, was entrusted under the auspices of the National Security Council, to outline the contours of a “depopulation program” largely targeting Third World countries. And a subsequent document entitled NSC Study Memorandum 200 was drafted.

The Depopulation Agenda has remained an integral part of US foreign policy. It was also endorsed by several corporate charities and foundations.  In this regard, the Bill and Melinda Gates, and the Rockefeller foundations, have addressed the relationship between extreme poverty and depopulation, and as we have already seen was already well underway with Bill Gates’s programme in Kenya.

Is population reduction part of this ongoing pandemic exercise which may be followed by a compulsory vaccination program?

Bill Gates, in the aforementioned 2010 TED show, talked about a 10% to 15% population reduction (circa 1 billion people) through global vaccination, health care, etc. Referring to this presentation, according to William Engdahl, in “Innovating to Zero!”:

Gates made his remarks to the invitation-only Long Beach, California TED2010 Conference, in a speech titled, “Innovating to Zero!.” Along with the scientifically absurd proposition of reducing man-made CO2 emissions worldwide to zero by 2050, approximately four and a half minutes into the talk, Gates declares, “First we got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.

To implement, monitor and control these multiple-purpose programs strong electromagnetic waves are needed. That’s why 5G in uncharted waters is necessary, with no time to be lost in testing. Because the target for this program must be completed is 2030, the same as the target for the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). In fact, Agenda 2030 is intimately linked to the SDG’s, specifically to SDG 16 which is basically promoting the rule of law.

During a special Summit in May 2016 in New York, inspired by the Gates Foundation, the United Nations Office for Partnership (UNOFP), the SDG 16.9 was created, fitting the purpose of Agenda ID2020 to:

Provide legal identity to all, including birth registration, by 2030 …. harnessing Digital Identity for the Global Community…. Around one-fifth of the world’s population (1.8 billion people) is without legal identity, which deprives them of access to healthcare, schools, shelter.

But what can we do about it all?

Before anything, we must remember, and make sure everyone we come into contact with knows, that no vaccine is needed to cure the COVID-19 coronavirus. We have lived with coronaviruses since we first began to create society, and Mother Nature has helped in this constant fight. Every year we are subjected to yet another flu epidemic/pandemic because there is no vaccine for the cold or flu coronavirus. Being a coronavirus (just like flu and cold) COVID-19 shares this attribute. Any ‘vaccine’ that Bill Gates produces can be guaranteed to be ineffective, and laden with the controlling and monitoring technology that I have already explained within this blog.

First, we have free speech and education. It is by no mistake that the mainstream media has been corrupted and used to manage the propaganda of the rich and powerful, and in the case of education we see that the US has only just today agreed an all-new school education programme created by Bill Gates (obviously following on from the earlier “success” of their collaboration). Free thinking and free speech are their most weakest link. If people realise the truth, then the house of cards fall down. In recent years we have seen how the reach and credibility of the mainstream media has been challenged because of the internet. And this is why YouTube, which has risen to be the modern age equivalent of the town square, has been targeted – along with Twitter and Facebook by the rich and powerful and their useful idiot activists. Anything that questions what Bill Gates, the WHO, the UN and the other players are saying, like the press conference given by the two Californian doctors presented at the start of this 3-part article, is summarily banned and the users removed from all platforms.

This is where we can fight back – we must share these videos, and articles like this one and the links provided, shared and promoted as far and wide as possible (at least before the internet as a whole gets censored – as the aforementioned Atlantic article states is what must happen immediately to save the world from COVID-19, as they state: just as the CCP has done).

We must get conversations going, contact your local politician, complain to all the false news broadcast by the BBC, CNN, MSNBC, and all the other mainstream media. Boycott those people and businesses that support the agenda of the rich and powerful, and stand up to the oppressive nature of the latest government restrictions. Take to the streets, group in large numbers with no masks, and above all GET HEARD. If people realise they are being lied to, then we can begin to turn this around.

We have the power to reverse this nefarious plan which threatens everyone on this planet. It’s a question of waking up, and thus many people start seeing the light – perhaps in part recognising this absurdity, this worldwide lock-down, this insanity of an endless thirst and greed for power and money by a few. We can do something about this. Don’t be a sheep… resist the programming. And spread the message far and wide.

People will start seeing the utter destruction behind this fake, according to the WHO’s highly questionable leadership, pandemic – a fear-mongering pandemic. We might as well call the COVID-19 pandemic what it is: an exercise in control through fear. And yes, people can die of fear as well as the flu, just like so many during lock-down to suicide and missed treatments. The WHO has been seen to be dancing to the tune of China (and is being sued by several countries already, and having foreign businesses there returned to their home nations), the rich and powerful, Bill Gates, the Rockefellers, the pharma giants, and more locally the WEF, politicians, and bankers. All this, under the pretext of saving the world from the so-called “lethal pandemic of planetary proportions (as seen in Hollywood films) COVID-19 coronavirus”.

As we come out of this pointless and damaging lock-down, there will sadly be many victims. Many have already, and will continue, to die – and not from the virus. There will be much misery, desolation, and suffering. People are unemployed, scared, and with newly weakened immune systems. As a society we should act in solidarity and do whatever we can to help the victims, to reduce the damage, extend our hands, arms, and souls with all our positive spirits and actions, and make sure this will never happen again. We must finally put an end to the plans of the elites and the rich and famous. But if not successful, we must at least give them a bloody nose so that they think twice before attempting something on this scale again. And remember, the will-power of solidarity is enormous, almost endless.

How this will help nations recover?

We have a long road to go down, and we must start now. Already the World Bank and the IMF have already offered “help” with large low-cost loans, and even some grants for the poorest of the poor countries. Initial figures of the World Bank were US$ 12 billion, and by the IMF US$ 50 billion, for corona damage-alleviating lines of credits. In the meantime, both have upped the ante: in the case of the IMF, they are talking of up to a trillion dollars. Some IMF Board members have called for a Special Special Drawing Rights (SDR) Fund of upto 4 trillion SDRs. This shows how much the ruling elite doesn’t want to lose their grip of globalisation. More than 60 countries have apparently already applied for this “help” from the IMF.

These governments are committing their countries’ and their peoples’ souls to enslavement to the ever-bolder elite economic and monetary tyranny – whether they know so or not. These loans are conditional, similar to what was earlier called  “structural adjustments” – privatisation of social services and infrastructure (what’s left of it) and concession to foreign corporations, to exploit their natural resources of oil, gas, minerals – whatever these groups and people covet as they forge forwards towards full domination of planet earth… all in our “best interests”.

And I genuinely believe that many in these groups seriously believe that it is for everyone’s own good. And to all countries and peoples who want to use this economic holocaust to restructure their economy, to regain their financial and monetary sovereignty, stay away from the IMF, the World Bank, and all the regional development banks, even the various UN funding mechanisms. Become self-sufficient, autonomous to the extent possible, applying the simple principle of local production, for local consumption, with local money; and local public banks that work for the development of the local economy. Use local money, and local debt for your economic development. No outsider will be able to claim repayment of your local internal debt. That, you will manage internally at YOUR own terms and conditions.

China and other nations have applied this principle. This is what makes these countries immune against predatory financing. You may enter into solidarity pacts with like-minded countries, for example ALBA (Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America), an alliance of Latin American and Caribbean countries based on the idea of social, political and economic integration.


Some good news for Americans… watch the video from Dr Buttar:

And for news about the sacking of the man that began the whole lock-down mania: Neil Ferguson of Imperial College (who predicted half a million UK deaths, and 2.2 million US deaths unless everyone shuts down), who was the one COVID-19 Response advisor to the UK PM: Boris Johnson. Check out this video from Politico:

See the following references:

Coronavirus Is More Than a Health Disaster – It’s a Human Calamity

Coronavirus – No Vaccine Is Needed to Cure ItBy Peter Koenig, April 01, 2020

Coronavirus Is More Than a Health Disaster – It’s a Human CalamityBy Peter Koenig, March 30, 2020

COVID-19 – The Fight for a Cure: One Gigantic Western Pharma Rip-OffBy Peter Koenig, March 24, 2020 .

The Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic: The Real Danger is “Agenda ID2020”By Peter Koenig, March 12, 2020

2 thoughts on “Censorship on YouTube – Part III: COVID-19 Global Implications and Aftermath”

  1. […] Now all of this comes as no surprise to government advisors, who have planned for the kind of global pandemic event that requires this response – though the current COVID-19 outbreak is not one of these types of causes, despite what mainstream media reports. In fact, we have never had a cause that requires this response, nor are we expecting to… it is just hypothetical and the stuff of popular science fiction novels and films. In the case of COVID-19 it is more like what happened when Orson Welles broadcast War of the Worlds… COVID-19’s panic is unnecessary and a way over-the-top response, and for the same reasons: broadcast media. Never in world history have we seen such sweeping and far-reaching measures that affect each individual at such a profound level. In a matter of weeks, the ability of billions to move around freely and to earn a livelihood completely vanished. And for what reason (answer in the next section)? […]


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